Wednesday, August 6, 2008

NASA Sponsors Course on How to Talk to Aliens

I found this article on Ken Ham's blog, and I kind of got a kick out of it.
Yes—it is true. If you’re an American, your tax dollars are being used by a government agency to teach a course to students on how to talk to aliens! This is serious stuff. We’ve never seen aliens, never had any messages from them, never heard from them. They have not visited earth, and we don’t know how to reach them. But we are using tax dollars for this blind-faith idea!
However, if tax dollars were used to teach students on how to talk with God, who stepped into history in the person of Jesus Christ so we could see Him on earth, who gave us a whole book (the Bible) to reveal all we need to know about the universe, who did visit earth as a man, who tells us how to reach Him through prayer—well that would not be allowed! That would be called religion—and you know, the “separation of church” and stuff!

It’s okay to have faith in aliens—just don’t have faith in an infinite God who has communicated to us through His Son and through His written Word! The article on this begins:

English students at the University of Wyoming are being encouraged to consider the possibility that humanity might one day make contact with aliens and then not know what to say. “Interstellar Message Composition,” a creative writing class, is believed to be the first of its kind to engage writers in a potential cosmic conversation, say its founders. “We’ve thought a lot about how we might communicate with other worlds, but we haven’t thought much about what we’d actually say,” Prof Jeffrey Lockwood, the course leader, told ABC News.

There is so much talk going on about aliens, one wonders if this is all meant to prepare people for some great delusion!

Several AiG staff have been at the International Conference on Creationism in Pittsburgh, which ends tonight (Wednesday). This ICC event is held every 4–5 years, and AiG’s Andrew Snelling, one of the world’s most respected creation scientists, has been deeply involved once again. Dr. Snelling, with a PhD degree in geology from the University of Sydney in Australia, is the editor-in-chief of this year’s Sixth International Conference on Creationism (co-sponsored by the Institute for Creation Research and the Creation Science Fellowship of Pittsburgh). Previous research papers for the ICC by Dr. Snelling have been awarded for technical excellence at two ICCs. I’ll have more about the ICC meeting in a future blog.

A friend of the AiG ministry passed away recently, Christian educator Les MacLeod of Santa Rosa, California. Les was a key person in setting up major events for me and other creation speakers in northern California (including at his Christian school, where he was a principal and a teacher). I recall these meetings as being very well attended, including one major conference in a large auditorium Les and his committee rented in Santa Rosa one year.
For more about his life (the service will be held today), go to:
Our condolences to Carol (his wife), children, and other family members—please pray for them today.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,



Great Googly Moogly! said...

“We’ve thought a lot about how we might communicate with other worlds, but we haven’t thought much about what we’d actually say,”

How about this: ungfh daylre lebitspu tripunbr vooshmikleme adimanimimimi lalalallamnmnmnmn oopikaka

Oops...I just started speaking in tongues, sorry!

Hey that's it! Our WOF friends (Copeland, Dollar, Crouch, etc.) can be our first line of communication with E.T.!

(but do we really want to subject our visitors to that?!!) :-)

See 'ya Sunday!

Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

It’s okay to have faith in aliens—just don’t have faith in an infinite God who has communicated
to us through His Son and through His written Word! The article on this begins:

Yes, that God has those nasty sin and hell concepts. Perhaps we shall fare better with the aliens.


realy it was nice how much good it would be...if we become able to talk to alien.....

Abbey said...

Wow, Jason. I started wondering if you've had practice at the speaking in tongues - or maybe you actually did learn the "terrestrial language."

"it's me" - I found this article about aliens that is written from a Christian perspective. It's not long and rather to the point.

Alien Article