Monday, August 25, 2008

Democratic National Convention, Go Home.

All I can say is that the media seems to be more excited about it than anyone else. They seem to think that this is Colorado's golden age. The truth is, I have only heard one person say that they're excited for it - and that was my cello teacher. Supposedly, Denver is supposed to benefit much from this whole convention, but I have heard very few people say that they might benefit from it. One family might benefit from it because they own a restaurant downtown. We benefit from having a zoo downtown because we got one quartet job. This job is for a feminist group's dinner, who will be protesting what the Democrats did to Hillary - not even something I want to play for. This morning, the newspaper added a whole section dedicated to the DNC, thicker than the rest of the newspaper put together. Isn't there anything else in the world worth talking about besides a bunch of Democrats have a week-long party downtown? What about world news? But no, they have to make a big deal about their Obamanable candidate actually coming to Denver! What news!

Media: Be quiet, and find something worth talking about.
DNC: Go home.
Me: Shut up and quit getting worked up about things that don't really matter.

End of rant. End of story.


Ryan_Th3_K1d said...

I 100% agree...there is only 6 days left till its all over ;)

Steven said...

Yeah. Agreed.. All "we" talked about today in my CAD class was about the DNC. I am so sick of it. Maybe we could go down there, we could join the war protesters and get locked up!!

Great Googly Moogly! said...


Very cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

"This job is for a feminist group's dinner, who will be protesting what the Democrats did to Hillary"

So I suppose they wanted you guys to learn "I am Woman hear me whine...umm...I mean roar"? Giddyup y'all!!

Uh oh...I hope Mrs. Moogly doesn't read this! :-)

See 'ya Sunday!

p.s. I can't wait to hear the new cello--did you get an electric one? Come on...I know you want one! :-) Do you need me to bring my amp so that we can blow the doors off the church?

Sarcastic Sally said...

LOL -- I'm coming to your church on Sunday.

Ben&Brit said...

LOL -- Man, great googly moogly! You're pretty funny :-)

Abbey said...

I don't really care all that much that they chose to have the DNC here (besides just not wanting all the extra people here). I just get really irritated by the media.

"So I suppose they wanted you guys to learn "I am Woman hear me whine...umm...I mean roar"? Giddyup y'all!!"

Totally! I mean, girls are obviously the dominant species, so why shouldn't we whine? :P Actually, they turned out to be nice to us (maybe they assumed we were a supporter), and we got to meet the founder of 18 Million Voices. Woo Hoo!

Once I have my 2 million dollar cello, then I'll start worrying about the electric one. :) I think my cello teacher would be a little more than shocked if I showed up to my lesson with an electric cello and extension cord, of course. :P

Anonymous said...

LOL! That's awesome!