Thursday, February 14, 2008

Hallmark Day!

Valentine's Day should be banned. There. I've said it. Do you know how much happier the whole country would be if it were? Not only would husbands not have to worry about supplying their wife with bountiful gifts, but elementary schools could also skip out on the hours (I'm sure!!) it takes to make all the valentines. Face it. Not too many people like Valentine's Day, and the people who do? Well, let them find sometime else to do what they want to do. You know, I think that the only reason Valentine's Day stays "in business" is because stores keep them in business. After all, if it weren't for stores, I have no doubt that holidays such as Saint Patrick's Day and Labour Day wouldn't be observed. Thank goodness for those stores! They give us a day off of work once in a while.

Honestly, though, if that's the only good reason there is to keep a holiday in existence, it should be put to rest.


Tina the Talking Tummy said...

But if there were no Hallmark Holidays, what would we rant about?

Ryan_Th3_K1d said...

but i like Saint Patrick Day...lots of drunk people which is a fun spectators sport...

we would rant about not having Hallmark Holidays

Abbey said...

Oh, don't worry. We'd find something to rant about. The Easter Bunny? Lisa Frank? I mean, there are lots of things worth ranting about besides Hallmark Holidays.

Ben&Brit said...

HEY! You leave Lollipop out of it! She's my girl and no one touches her!

Abbey said...

Oh please, Ben. Get lost.

Sarcastic Sally said...

Oh no...don't temporarily displace Ben again...
You'll regret it when you're the one leading the search party...

Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

In latest s&t comments thekingpin defends Dear Abbey vs. that 'evil' JJ.
